Wednesday, December 28, 2016

How to Write an Email?

Today e-mail communication has almost entirely replaced the traditional letters. E-mail is one of the cheapest and fastest mode of communication that is easy to be operated by anyone who has a basic knowledge about computers and internet. E-mail is also flexible than its alternatives and enjoys the status of being the spirit of the age. E-mail has also become valid and is used for legal and official purposes all over the world.

Here we are going to look how to write a professional / official / formal e-mail…

Structure of a Formal Email

The below sample will give you an insight towards the various components of a formal e-mail.

Subject Line

The subject line of an e-mail is important because it is how you introduce your e-mail to the recipient. Here are a few tips how your subject line should be.
  • Never Leave it Blank
If you leave your subject line empty, it will give a negative impact on the recipient about your message.
  • A clue to the content
The subject should carry a clue to the theme of your message.
  • Keep it Short and Accurate
The subject line should preferably be 2 to 5 words
  • Include Keywords
  • Use only Specific Words
  • Make it look Professional
  • Avoid words like ‘Urgent, important, hi, hello’ etc. in subject


  • It’s Flexible
  • Use it Properly
  • Person’s title followed by first name
  • Use the person’s last name for a more formal tone.
  • Use ‘Dear Sir/Madam’ if it’s a very formal letter.
  • Examples: Hi John/Mr John/Hello John/Dear Sir/Hi Anna
  • If you don’t know the name of the recipient, use “To whom it may concern

Opening Statements

 Introduce yourself if necessary
Example: I am John Smith from the ABC company, writing for…
➤ Start with a pleasant statement
Example: Hope you are doing well
➤ If you are replying to a letter, start by saying it
Example: I am writing to follow up on our discussion last Wednesday.
➤ Thank the recipient
Example: Thank you for writing to me.
➤ State your purpose
Example: I am writing this to enquire about…
➤ Writing with reference to…
Example: I am writing this in reference to… / I       am writing in response to…

Body of the Email

  • Keep it Short - No more than 5 paragraphs (ideally 3 paras)
  • Do not use indenting (insert a line break between paragraphs)
  • Adopt a suitable tone
  • Say No to SMS languages
  • Do not use bold characters

Dear Mr John,

Closing Statements

  • When a reply is expected
➤ Please let me know of your take on this.
➤ I look forward to hearing from you
  • When you need a help
➤ Thank you for your consideration
➤ Kindly help me on this
  • When you clarify something
➤ If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to let me know

Complimentary close

  • Include an appropriate closing
  • Choose the best phrase according to your intimacy with the recipient
  • Use a comma after it
  • Samples
   ➤ Best wishes,
   ➤ Faithfully,
   ➤ Thanks and Love
   ➤ Warm regards,
   ➤ Love,
   ➤ Thank you,
   ➤ Yours cordially,
   ➤ Best,
   ➤ Cheers,
   ➤ Respectfully,
   ➤ Best regards,
   ➤ Yours sincerely,

      Send the E-mail

      ✓ Proofread

      ✓ Spell check

      ✓ Add attachments if necessary

      ✓ Send it….!

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