Monday, January 18, 2021

Kerala PSC COMMON PRELIMS EXAM to Commence on Feb 20


Kerala PSC has announced that the SSLC Level Common Prelims Exam will commence on February 2020.  The most awaited common exam is scheduled to be conducted in four stages.

The date and timing of the common exam is as follows:

Stage 1: 20/02/2021 (1:30 to 3:15 pm)

Stage 2: 25/02/2021 (1:30 to 3:15 pm)

Stage 3: 06/03/2021 (1:30 to 3:15 pm)

Stage 4: 13/03/2021 (1:30 to 3:15 pm)

Admission tickets (Hall tickets) of all candidates will be available from 10/02/2021.

Click here for Detailed Examination Programme.

Syllabus : Detailed syllabus is provided in the KPSC Website.

Mark  : 100

Mode of Examination  : OMR

Duration : 1 Hour 15 Minutes 

Candidates who had applied for more than one categories should submit confirmation for each category. 

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